Thursday 28 February 2013

forrest sharks

         Blood rushing threw my veins, sweat dripping like melted ice-cream. The chase began, when i was lost in the woods.. And a SHARK swimming the the forrest came at me at blinding mach speeds. I had no time to react, reaching for a stick and lobbing it into the maw of this ferocious legend of a creature. With a thousand teeth, and a throught filled with razor blades. I was scared. Running away like a small little field mouse, screeching at the top of my lungs "golly me! im being chased by a shark!"

               The shark flew at me, slashing me with its sword like fins, my arm cut clean off, the shark swimming away with my limb.. two minutes passed i was bleeding out, cautarizing my wound with a match box, i passed out from sheer pain. i woke up, to the forrest shark eating my legs, i started smaking the coul creature with one of my legs it tore off. "Back stupid foul!"

      the shark ate me. THE END.

Thursday 7 February 2013

super power

     If i could choose any super power in the world, i would have to pick the ability to fly. Soring through the sky at mach speed, flying with birds and ripping through clouds like jet air planes. I personally think there would be no bigger thrill. My super power wouldn't be for the greater good, nor for evil, my superpower would be for my pleasure and my pleasure alone. It may be a selfish decision by me, but its what id like, my life is my life and i will not commit it to anybody. Can you imagine flying high speeds through trees dodging branches, doing flips scaring animals and people alike. I can imagine no better feeling then the feeling you would achieve falling hundreds of thousands of feet, to only catch your self and launch at insane speeds. The superpower to fly would also be very dangerous, i can think of many life threatening scenarios with the ability to fly. One example would being going way to fast, and colliding with an object essentially breaking every bone in your body! And another dangerous scenario would be getting struck by lightning or being sucked into a air planes exhaust.